Monday, May 16, 2011

My favoritist store for interiors ever

You know when you're a kid and you go shopping with your mom and you're forced to shop for boring things all day? That used to happen to me at Home Depot, paint stores, or even Safeway. However, there was one store that even though it would have probably bored some kids,  ever since I was LITTLE I never minded being dragged in there by my mom. 
This store was Z Gallerie. I absolutely LOVE this store. It is trendy but always classy. It has a bunch of different themes so you can pick and choose what you like not like some stores where you have an overall feel (Pottery Barn/ Crate and Barrel?) 

Some people like to match and mix the styles of different rooms in their home and considering I love interior design of all sorts, I think that is way I like Z Gallerie so much. 
There used to be one at Broadway Plaza in Walnut Creek and thats where I went when I was little. But that one is no longer there so for the past couple years I've just been to the one at Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. 

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