Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pre-marriage reception

As you know, I love weddings in general and I am lucky enough to be able to attend all kinds of weddings. I have been to American/Jewish/Spanish weddings, etc. However, I attend A LOT of gorgeous Indian Weddings because of my mom's side of the family. 
Like I mentioned earlier, I am going to continue on with the Indian Wedding Series in my blog!
So last night was the first of 3 days of festivities with the pre marriage reception for the bride's side of the family. 
It was held at a hall we have attended plenty of times. This party basically consisting of dressing up, eating, dancing, and lots and lots of mingling!!

My mom! (on the right in the first picture) then my cousins and I in the second picture :)

This is a picture of all the women dancing in celebration for the bride

The food is always something I look forward to because I don't get authentic Indian food all the time. My favorite is the roti (some people know it as naan). It is the bread used to scoop up the lentils, yogurt, and tandori chicken. 

This is a picture of my brother, sister, and I (to the left and right of me) and my cousins. 
I am very blessed to be a part of the rich traditions of my punjabi family and I can't wait to post the pictures of the actual wedding that took place today!! It's been an absolutely amazing, fun, happy, and beautiful wedding so far!!! 

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